At Glorify, our mission is to create an experience that helps you connect with God every day. While we wish we could make everything in the app free for everyone, the introduction of a subscription plan allows us to continue offering an excellent in-app experience, enhance our technology, and develop exclusive content that’s meaningful to our community.
We’ve introduced a new hybrid subscription model where every subscription purchased will sponsor a free membership for someone else. You can find more details about our sponsorship program in the paywall section, and users can join the waitlist to receive a free membership in the future.
The Daily Devotional is still free and available to all users (we only lock up the listen function of the Daily Devotional, but users can still read the full devotional).
We hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at
1 comment
I believe you are contacting me because I was telling you how very special Glorify is in my heart. What you do for others is priceless. I didn't actually expect an answer to my communication to you but when I was discussing the meditations in my last communication I was wondering if the ones that Boaz Dawson does some would be able to be longer. He is like a teacher and handles his thoughts and words in a beautiful manner. He teaches us how to talk to God. I listen to his two 30 minutes recordings many times over. It means much more than the other meditations from the others. They don't have that same gift and do not get their message across as Boaz can do. .Boaz has the ability to put Jesus right in your heart. I am sure there are many people that enjoy all of the recordings. It just would really be a huge blessing if if it can be done.. That was my question but that does not have a simple answer. I am sure you are up to your neck in projects that are in line. Again Bless all of you at Glorify. You definately are working for the Kingdom. I feel a special blessing that the Lord brought me to Glorify. I was not saved until I was 59 years. The bible and this web site are very important to me. I was a Catholic with no bible training all my life so all of this is so very special. Thank all of you again for the important way you are bringing me along in my life. I can tell you there is no salvation without your personal love for Jesus and that is what Mr. Dawson puts in all of his meditations. Every One of them. Sandy Kell
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